Welcome to my profile
Benita Nyonyintono
My Experiences
BXL MOBILITY (2021 - 2021)
Role: Yoga instructor
A commercial for BXL mobility to show different ways to move around in Brussels
AIKI NOODLES (2021 - 2021)
Role: Gamer
A TV commercial in which the new taste of Teriyaki Aiki Noodles are promoted in a humorous way.
UNIBET EK (2021 - 2021)
Role: Friends
A group of friends is watching the European Cup full of tention because they made a bet with Enibet. Will they make money or.. loose money
JUPILER EK (2021 - 2021)
Role: Friends huddle street
In this TV commercial everyone is ejoying the Europen Cup surrounded by the refreshing Jupiler drinks.
JULES DE STROOPER (2021 - 2021)
Role: Poodle
TV commercial in which is shown that from the moment you hear the Jules De Strooper cookie wrap, you turn in a dogg and the cravings/hunt starts..
GET THE LOOK (2019 - 2020)
Role: Model
A campaign in which 4 looks were selected by me every month and showcased on the Zalando website.
Role: Musician
A commercial in which was shown that using the My MinFin website is as simple as uploading music
KRISPROLLS (2019 - 2019)
Role: Model
Modelling while enjoying the lovely flavors of the new krisprolls crackers